Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Rules

1. Michelle Penta Memorial Canucks Run Amok - 2010 Challenge begins on Monday, May 17, 2010. 2. Teams can be of any size. Smaller teams will be awarded a handicap. (See sidebar.) 3. Teams must represent a library. The library can be of any kind: public, academic, school or special. Archives are fine, too! 4. Each participating team must be registered by the end of the day on Friday, May 7, 2010. No additional team members may be added after this time. 5. Each team must have a designated team captain. 6. Teammates participate by getting a pedometer (we have suggestions, for those people who don't already have one) and clocking the distance they cover through walking or running each week. (Note: You can also calculate your distance without a pedometer by using the tools at More specifically, each teammate clocks the distance of the walks or runs that constitute a physical activity SEPARATE from their day-to-day movements. It is not enough to wear a pedometer all day and use that distance (10,000-steps-a-day is a lovely goal, but has no bearing here). Rather a walk or run must be of at least fifteen minutes' duration where the focus is on developing or maintaining fitness, not crossing a parking lot. If in doubt, remember: the point is to develop or maintain healthy habits -- the competition is for fun. Bragging rights and celebrity endorsements are secondary! Teammates must submit the distance they covered between midnight Monday and 11:59 p.m. Sunday to their captain each week (on the following Monday). No one person can submit a mileage of more than 50 km. per week. Captains must communicate their team's total distance for the preceding week (Monday - Sunday) by 4:00 p.m. (Eastern) each Wednesday. At this time, the distances will be posted to this blog. 7. Teams and participants agree to abide by honesty in the distances they submit. 8. Those people who do not submit their distances to their captains in time for the Wednesday update forfeit their distance for the preceding week. Captains are not to speculate what team member's distance was. It is important for teammates to help the process by submitting their distances without prompting to their captains as soon as possible. Likewise, captains who are late in submitting their team's results will forfeit for the preceding week, i.e., no distances will be added if they are not communicated by Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. Eastern. 9. The winning team is the one that reaches Vancouver first. 10. First prize, engraved plate on a lovely trophy, will be distributed at a later date. The winning team will be featured on this blog, marking its place in history. 11. Important dates: Friday, May 7 - Deadline to register teams. No late registrations will be accepted. Please provide a list of participants, the name and contact information for the captain and co-captain, the team name and -- if possible -- a photo. The photo need not include all teammates, but should be something that is representative of the team. Monday, May 17 - The race begins. Participants clock distances from May 17 up to and including Sunday, May 23, then submit these scores to their captain on Monday, May 24. Wednesday, May 26 - Captains submit total team distance (in kilometres) using the weekly online statistical form located in the right-hand bar of this site. The process then repeats itself each week until the first team reaches Vancouver. Watch for weekly updates here. 12. Moderation is the name of the game. If you're not sure that you're physically able to participate, consult with your doctor first.

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